front cover & matter: a (home) • b • c • d back cover: e
text: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13
14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
The autograph manuscript of “The Terror of Blue John Gap” reproduced above is courtesy of Dartmouth College Library, Rauner Special Collections, MS-93: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
an invalid stranger [deleted: s]. Truly the old maid is a most useful person, one of
the reserve forces of the community. They talk of the superfluous woman,
but what would the poor superfluous man do without her kindly presence.
By the way in their simplicity they very quickly let out the reasons why
Saunderson recommended their farm. The Professor rose from the ranks
himself and I believe that in his youth he was note above scaring crows
in these very fields.
This is a very lonely spot and the walks are picturesque in
the extreme. The farm consists of grazing land lying at the bottom of
an irregular valley. On each side are the fantastic limestone hills
formed of rock so soft that you can break it away with your hands.
All this country is hollow. Could you strike it with some gigantic
hammer it would boom like a drum, or possibly cave in altogether
and expose some huge subterranean sea. A great sea there must
surely be for on all sides the streams run into the mountain sides
never to reappear. There are gaps everywhere amid the rocks, and
when you pass through them you find yourself in great caverns
which wind down into the bowels of the earth. I have [deleted: an / inserted: a] small
[deleted: acetylene] bicycle lamp and it is a perpetual joy to me to carry it
into these wierd solitudes, and to see the [deleted: strange / inserted: wonderful] silver & black
effects when I throw its [deleted: vivid] light upon the stalactites which
drape the lofty roofs. Shut off the lamp and you are in the blackest
darkness. Turn it on and it is a scene from the Arabian nights.
But there is one of these strange openings in the earth
which has a [deleted: peculiar / inserted: special] interest for it is the handiwork not of nature but
of man. I had never heard of Blue John when I came to these parts.
It is the name given to a peculiar mineral of a beautiful purplish
shade which is only found at one or two places in the world. It is so
rare that an ordinary vase of Blue John would be valued at a great
price. The Romans with that extraordinary instinct of theirs, discovered
that it was to be found in this valley, and sank a horizontal shaft
deep into the mountain side. The opening of their mine has been
called Blue John Gap, a clean cut arch in the rock, the mouth
The full story as it was printed in The Strand is available at
The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia.