Please join us on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 11:15 a.m., for our next Doylean Honors ceremony, at Otto Penzler's The Mysterious Bookshop. We will be recognizing — as we do every January — excellence in "Fiction and Poetry," "Performing Arts," "Visual Arts," "Scholarly Writing," and "Lifetime Service."
The 2023 Doylean Honorees
For Lifetime Service:
For excellence in the "Fiction and Poetry" category:
• Margie Deck for "Whitney’s Reflection" in Steel True, Blade Straight (Belanger Books)
• Paul Hiscock for “The Ascent” in Steel True, Blade Straight (Belanger Books)
• David Marcum for “The Unintended Offenses” in Steel True, Blade Straight (Belanger Books)
For excellence in the "Performing and Visual Arts" category:
• Jessie Amaolo for Virtual Tour of A Study in Sherlock & His Creator (Toronto Public Library)
• David MacGregor for Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Ghost in the Machine (Purple Rose Theater Company)
• Frank Cho for illustrations in Bonnie MacBird’s What Child is This?: A Sherlock Holmes Christmas Adventure (HarperCollins)
For excellence in the "Scholarly Writing" category:
• Shrabani Basu her book, The Mystery of the Parsee Lawyer: Arthur Conan Doyle, George Edalji and the Case of the Foreigner in the English Village (Bloomsbury)
• Richard Fallon for “Rediscovering Lost Worlds: Arthur Conan Doyle and the Modern Romance of Palaeontology” in his book Reimagining Dinosaurs in Late Victorian and Edwardian Literature (Cambridge University Press)
• Brian McCuskey for “Theory and Preaching, 1887-1930” in his book, How Sherlock Pulled the Trick: Spiritualism and the Pseudoscientific Method (Penn State University Press)
Congratulations to all! To see and hear the entire awards ceremony, visit Doings of Doyle.
The 2022 Doylean Honorees
For Lifetime Service:
For excellence in the "Fiction and Poetry" category:
• Gretchen Altabef for the short story in Sir Arthur and the Time Machine Sherlock Holmes: Further Adventures in the Realms of H.G. Wells Volume Two (Belanger Books)
• Stephen Gallagher for the short story The Governess (The Brooligan Press)
• Barbara Rusch for the short story The Consulting Detective and the Literary Agent: The Untold Tale (The Sherlock Holmes Society of India website)
For excellence in the "Performing and Visual Arts" category:
• Daniel Henocq for ElementStory #08.1–Le chien des Baskerville (the Hound of the Baskervilles) (Youtube)
• Bonnie MacBird for Modern Major Super Sleuth (Youtube)
• Peggy Perdue for Arthur Conan Doll (Canadian Holmes)
For excellence in the "Scholarly Writing" category:
• Stephen Carver for the post Dinosaurs, Disintegration Machines and Talking to the Dead: The Wild World of Professor Challenger (The Wordsworth Blog)
• Douglas Kerr for Memories and Adventures by Arthur Conan Doyle (Edinburgh University Press)
• Shawna Ross for the article Sightseeing the Anthropocene: tourism, moorland management, and The Hound of the Baskervilles (Nineteenth-Century Contexts)
Congratulations to all! To see and hear the entire awards ceremony, visit Doings of Doyle.